Haircut Styles For Men & Women
Haircuts are not just a look, they are a statement. They tell people who the man or woman under the hair is all about. It is made with an attitude and fitted with style. An expression of feeling is told in the hair, whether we see it or not. There are so many haircut stylers for both men and women; it is about what feels right and what they can do with their hair that matters.
Just For Men
Haircuts for men come in many style and short cuts are a popular trend in many, many ways because it works both in contemporary and throwback form. To start, it does not get as short as the all over buzz cut. It is a simple line from the forehead, down the side, and around the neck that keeps it just off from being a totally bald head cut. Another short trend is the buzz and fade, as there is any upkeep in the long run with any thick, curled, or black hair. The Caesar is what it is – like Julius Caesar with its short bangs and a touch of fade three-sixty. A short quiff is a short spike in front and adds a faded look from the back of ear. Spiked hair is a continuously popular trend that comes in multiple styles.
For the long hair, the styles go from simple to wild. A popular long hair one is the comb over fade, which cuts in 3/4 along the side. A fade that is high and back can be combed over and turned based on the hairline’s direction. Then, there’s a pomp look with a long bush of hair on top and buzzed on the side that is styled with gel to give is a windy look. In that same feel, a hawkish feel can be done. The heavy crop cut can go downward or upward into a spiky look. A tapered style does not need the scissors and is made to wave itself naturally. For the thickest of hair, a slicked back look with plenty of gel will show off if given a loosened finish.
All For The Women
Women can go any which way but loose with their hair. For the long hair, it depends if it is straightened or curled or even wavy. From there, women can add highlights or hot tips, or braid it in various fashions that cross from each other or go across. The same goes with midsize hair lengths, where they also can be wavy and layered, or straight from top to bottom. Short hair tends to be a popular trends these days with younger women. Some take the pixie route, while other go with the bob-cut, Louise Brooks-like style, standing up to the shoulders. There can also be the wave look where one side has the hair going over the eyes. Spike it up, let it go freely, make it into a bun – the women’s options are a whole lot more.
For the best men’s (and woman) haircut in Fairfax, VA, go to Elite Barber. They can cut up with any size any style you desire.
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